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Jinan University Faculty of Literature & Human Sciences


Dean's Message

Dear Students,

Tradition and modernity are two characteristics of this Faculty regarding its curricula, activities, departments and its various branches.

The Department of (Shariaa) Islamic Law and Studies ensures that the students study various Islamic sciences from their authentic sources and link them to society's needs and requirements for its development both intellectually and culturally.

The Quranic Readings and Islamic Studies Department has been established to serve the Quran and to spread its sciences and rules. Graduate students from this department will be able to memorize and recite the ten Quranic readings with the study of the interpretation of the Quran, hadith, jurisprudence (fiqh), the language and other essential subjects to form the character of a scholar and a sheik.

The Department of Scientific Facts in the Quran and Sunnah aims to methodologically teach the scientific facts, in order to allow students to explore the rules, conditions and sources of the facts manifested around them according to accurate standards of research.

The Translation Department has been established in commitment to the University's goal and message that seeks society's development in order to enrich it with trustworthy professional translators to facilitate the cultural interaction and exchange of knowledge, and to consider the cultural specificities in the light of globalization and the information revolution.

Dr. Hashem Al Ayoubi
Dean, Faculty of Literature and Humanities

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