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Jinan University

Medical Laboratory Technology

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Contract Sheet Course Description Study Plan

General Education Electives

MLT364 - Hereditary Disorders (2 Credits)
Basics of inheritance patterns in genetic diseases, establishing pedigrees, biochemical and molecular basis of inheritance, relevance of cell division to genetic disorders, analysis of predisposition factors, and immunogenetics. Overview of prevalent hereditary disorders in Lebanon and its neighboring region, including: hemoglobin disorders, G6PD, FMF, cystic fibrosis, and others. Most recent progress in diagnosis and current approaches to treatment and prevention of these disorders. Student is to perform an individualized literature study selected in consultation with the course tutor.
MLT365 - Medical Laboratory Technology Colloquium (2 Credits)
This course reviews the broad principles learned throughout the Medical Laboratory Technology program to prepare the students to meet the requirements necessary to pass the Lebanese Medical Laboratory Colloquium.

Major Requirements

MLT222 - Medical Bacteriology II (2 Credits)
Bacterial infection, culture and identification from the following specimens: urine, stool, CSF, pleural fluid, wounds, and blood.
MLT223 - Medical Bacteriology II Lab (1 Credits)
This practical course focuses on the identification of the bacteria present in samples such as urine, stool, CSF, blood, body, and seminal and vaginal fluids.
MLT232 - Immunohematology (1 Credits)
This course covers the subjects of blood group antigens and antibodies, the processes of quality testing, quality control, and basic laboratory techniques and safety. This course also overviews the principles, clinical significance, and practice of a wide variety of procedures applied during donor selection, component preparation and use, and the detection of antigen/antibody reactions. Topics covered during the course also include: donor screening, preparation of components, antigens and antibodies of the ABO, Rh and other blood group systems, pretransfusion testing procedures, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, neonatal and obstetrical transfusion practice, and adverse effects of transfusion.
MLT233 - Hematology Lab (1 Credits)
This course offers a practical overview of the studies of cytology and physiology of blood, immuno-hematology, and homeostasis.
MLT239 - Parasitology Lab (1 Credits)
This practical course encompasses the study of major medical parasites and their hosts. During this course the student is expected to identify the characteristics, life cycles, pathogenicity, and testing methods for various relevant organisms. Life cycles, modes of transmission, and diseases will also be discussed as they pertain to patient health and risk factors. Applied methods include testing fecal, blood, urine and other body fluids with emphasis on the commonly used direct and indirect procedures and biochemical stains.
MLT252 - Serology Lab (1 Credits)
This practical course offers a technical training on the immunological techniques commonly applied in medical laboratories. Laboratory procedures aim at the basic understanding and knowledge of immunology and related instrumentation and techniques. The student will perform routine and special procedures such as: Precipitation, agglutination, and Coombs tests; immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis and immunofluoresence techniques; Western blot, ELISA, RIA, IF; syphilis and viral detection. The student is also expected to correlate disease conditions with laboratory results.
MLT307 - Techniques in Genetic Diagnosis (2 Credits)
Basic concepts of modern laboratory diagnostic techniques. Isolation and purification of nucleic acids, PCR, Southern, Northern and Western blotting, cytogenetics, sequencing, microarray technology, and cloning. Current advances in diagnostic medicine using genetic polymorphisms as well as gene expression signatures to classify tumors for disease diagnosis and prognosis. Overview of currently available diagnostic tests their significance, and the technologies and instrumentation involved. Preimplantation and prenatal diagnosis methods, laboratory safety, diagnostic laboratory accreditation, quality control, and quality assurance.
MLT331 - Practicum (4 Credits)
This residency enables students to acquaint with the practical aspects of a medical laboratory, problems encountered and measures taken. This practical course includes nearly 450 hours of clinical practical training.
MLT336 - Anatomy-Pathology (1 Credits)
The Purpose of the course on anatomical pathology is to study the structural bases of diseases, and their etiology and pathogenesis for a better understanding of theoretical bases of medicine. The procedures used in anatomic pathology include: gross examination, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, cytopathology, tissue cytogenetics.
NURS361 - Quality Management and Accreditation (1 Credits)
This course provides an overview of the principles, practices, and application of quality systems in health care organizations. It provides the knowledge on quality improvement and accreditation processes to improve skills of future health professionals. In addition, it discusses the mechanisms for effective preparedness and implementation of accreditation standards in hospitals.
PHE133 - Cell Biology for Health Sciences (2 Credits)
This course introduces the student to the organization of living systems, energy transfer, continuity of life, biodiversity and classification of living things. The topics include: structure and functions of cells and cellular organelles, cell division, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, DNA structure and function, protein synthesis and heredity. It also includes an introduction to viruses and prokaryotes.
PHE136 - General Biochemistry (3 Credits)
Concepts of matter, composition of energy, elements, the atom, molecules and compounds, mixtures and solutions, chemical bonds, types of chemical bond and forces, chemical reactions, organic chemistry, functional groups, inorganic and organic compounds, water, salts, acid, base and buffer, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
PHE138 - General Biochemistry Lab (1 Credits)
The biochemistry laboratory course is designed to introduce students to modern techniques used in biochemical research. This course will provide students with the basic foundation of biochemistry concepts that will be required for the pursuit of their academic and career objectives. At the end of this course, the student should be able to explain basic scientific concepts relating to the study in the laboratory of the following areas of biochemistry.
PHE140 - General Microbiology (3 Credits)
This microbiology course explores the biology of microorganisms. Major areas to be covered include microbial cell structure and function, physiology, metabolism, genetics, diversity and ecology. Applied aspects of microbiology will also be covered, such as biotechnology, the role of microorganisms in environmental processes, and medical microbiology.
PHE142 - General Microbiology Lab (2 Credits)
The laboratory is set up to familiarize the student with the techniques necessary to grow and identify microorganisms. It covers basic techniques of media preparation, pure culture techniques, isolation of bacteria from different sources, staining of bacteria and microscopy, bacterial count, and also recognition and differentiation of microbial characteristics in culture. A series of laboratory exercises designed to provide a practical understanding of the microbial identification based on metabolic differences and molecular biology tools will also be performed.
PHE146 - Organic Chemistry I (3 Credits)
Nomenclature. Stereochemistry. Chemical reactivity and molecular Structure. Substitution, elimination, addition reactions. Spectroscopy: IR, UV, MN.
PHE148 - Organic Chemistry I Lab (2 Credits)
This course introduces the students to basic techniques and procedures to isolate, purify, and to characterize organic compounds and simple reactions used in the organic laboratory. The student will also be trained on the proper practices to write a scientific laboratory report.
PHE157 - Principles of Biostatistics (1 Credits)
This course aims at giving an introductory overview of statistics with applications in public health, biomedicine, and the biological sciences. Design of public health surveys and biomedical experiments and drawing appropriate conclusions from statistical analyses are emphasized. Topics of discussion include: exploratory data analysis, elements of probability, one sample test, nonparametric methods, contingency table analysis, and simple linear regression. All statistical concepts and procedures will be illustrated using public health and biomedical data.
PHE165 - General Chemistry (3 Credits)
Atomic structure, chemical bonding, gas laws, solutions, chemical equilibrium and other basic concepts.
PHE206 - Anatomy (1 Credits)
This course is the most fundamental of all medical sciences. Although anatomy is the consideration of the structure of living things, this course will focus on human anatomy. Human anatomy is primarily the scientific study of the morphology of the adult human body. It includes, for instance, the study of cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, gland, urinary, reproductive system. A variety of multimedia resources will be used to provide lucid descriptions of complex topics.
PHE211 - Histology (2 Credits)
This course has been designed to provide students with the study of the fine structure of the cell and the extracellular matrix as well as the study of the basic tissue types (i.e., epithelial, connective, cartilage, bone, muscle and nervous tissue). Light microscopic analysis of tissue sections on slides will also be emphasized to teach students how the cellular organization of organs enables them to perform their specific functions.
PHE216 - Physiology (2 Credits)
This course has been designed to provide graduate students with an introduction to human physiology. It takes the basis of physiological processes governing each organ and system and their integration to maintain homeostasis of the entire organism. Course content will include Acid-Base Balance, Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms Control as well as study of the Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Urinary, Lymphatic, Musculoskeletal and Endocrine Organ Systems. An overview of the anatomic structure of each functional organ will be briefly described due to the close interrelationship between structure and function in biological systems: anatomy, the study of form, and physiology, the study of function, are intrinsically related. Exercise physiology, the body's response to exercise, and long-term adaptation will be also covered.
PHE221 - Principles of Epidemiology (1 Credits)
Epidemiology is the study of diseases from a population-based perspective; it involves the factors affecting disease rates and the distribution of disease and disabilities in populations. As a fundamental science of preventive medicine and public health, epidemiologic research has traditionally focused on questions of disease causation through population studies for both infectious and chronic diseases. The range of topics now addressed by epidemiologic methods includes health promotion, disease prevention, and assessing the quality of health care.
PHE227 - Hematology (3 Credits)
Cytology and physiology of blood. Immuno-hematology. Homeostasis. Pathology and therapeutics.
PHE238 - Parasitology (2 Credits)
This subject encompasses the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them. Students will learn in this course about parasites that infect humans and animals, the diseases caused by them, clinical picture and the response generated against them. It is also concerned with the various methods of their diagnosis, treatment and finally their prevention and control. This course deals normally with protozoa and metazoa, while, the study of prokaryotes falls under the field of bacteriology rather than parasitology.
PHE239 - Bioinformatics (2 Credits)
Information technology and management in health care. Data retrieval from public and private data banks to synthesize previous professional experience with current learning for professional development. The Human Genome Project: History, ethics, revelations, and medical implications. Organization of the human genome and comparison with other organisms. Genomic databases and web resources (genbank, protein data bank, OMIM, molecular biology databases). Finding genes and relation to diseases, finding functional and regulatory motifs, protein sequence motifs, designing PCR primers.
PHE241 - Mycology (1 Credits)
Morphology, classification, distribution, etiology, transmission, clinical aspect, diagnostic, treatment of mushrooms, and dermatophytes.
PHE246 - Immunology (2 Credits)
Cellular and molecular elements of the immune system. Antigens and antibodies. Immune response.
PHE251 - Serology (1 Credits)
This course offers an overview of the immunological techniques commonly applied in medical laboratories. It also enables the student to learn specialized occupational theories, skills, and concepts commonly adapted in medical immunology laboratories. Typical workflow patterns, preventative maintenance, Quality Control, and general laboratory policies will be addressed.
PHE257 - Medical Bacteriology I (2 Credits)
Gram positive & negative cocci. Aerobic gram positive Bacilli. Facultative gram positive Bacilli. Strict Aerobic and Strict anaerobic Bacilli. Mycobacterium, spirochetes.
PHE258 - Medical Bacteriology I Lab (1 Credits)
Practical experience in bacteriology lab provides student with the opportunity to be familiarized wit culturing bacteria, sensitivity test and media preparation.
PHE262 - Principles of Heredity (2 Credits)
Basic principles of classical genetics. Meiosis and chromosomal basis of Mendelian inheritance. Linkage, crossing-over and gene mapping. Sex and heredity. The genetic material. Mutations and chromosome aberrations. Pattern of inheritance. Cytoplasmic inheritance. Population genetics.
PHE263 - Molecular Genetics (2 Credits)
Basics of molecular genetic processes in bacteria, plants, and animals. A study of gene organization and control of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, emphasizing applications in modern biotechnology, and the genetic and biochemical techniques involved in manipulating and assaying gene expression. The genetic background of inherited disorders and diseases with genetic contribution, principles of gene therapy, normal chromosome structure and chromosomal analysis, chromosomal disorders, molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases.
PHE311 - Medical Virology (1 Credits)
Provides an overview on the classification, biophysical and biochemical characteristics of DNA and RNA containing bacterial, plant and animal viruses.
PHE368 - Medical Biochemistry I (2 Credits)
Plasmatic proteins. Serum lipoproteins and lipids. Exploration of glycerin, renal, hepatic. Blood gases. Nitrogen. Non protein constituents of blood. Mineral constituents of plasma. Urine analysis. Role of chemical messengers in the control of physiological and metabolic processes. It deals with biosynthesis, chemistry, and secretion of hormones as well as their mechanism of action.
PHE369 - Medical Biochemistry I Lab (2 Credits)
This practical course gives a hands-on experience on the following subjects: scientific basis of phlebotomy (blood drawing), successful clinical steps in blood drawing, sample preparation, analytical errors (pre-post), and spectrophotometery principles and procedures along with weekly medical assessment of students for using spectrophotometery for various biochemical laboratory tests (glucose, cholesterol, hepatic enzymes, and others).
PHE373 - Medical Biochemistry II (2 Credits)
Plasmatic proteins. Serum lipoproteins and lipids. Exploration of glycerin, renal, hepatic. Blood gases. Nitrogen. Non protein constituents of blood. Mineral constituents of plasma. Urine analysis. Role of chemical messengers in the control of physiological and metabolic processes. It deals with biosynthesis, chemistry, and secretion of hormones as well as their mechanism of action.
PHE374 - Medical Biochemistry II Lab (2 Credits)
This practical course gives a hands-on experience on the following subjects: sample preparation for laboratory biochemical analysis, analytical errors (pre-post), weekly medical assessment for using spectrophotometry for various biochemical laboratory tests (cardiac enzymes, minerals, electrolytes, and others), urine analysis (sample preparation, macroscopic and microscopic examination, interpretation of results), spermogram (seminal analysis, sample preparation, macroscopic and microscopic examination, and interpretation of results).

General Education Requirements

ADM 105 - Introduction to Information Technology (3 Credits)
Topics include the Internet; computer hardware; operating systems and application software; multimedia; network communication; personal, social, and ethical issues. Systems and application software; multimedia; network communication; personal, social, and ethical issues.
LIT 110 - Arabic Language I (3 Credits)
The primary aim of this course is to familiarize the students with correct writing styles, to avoid linguistic and spelling errors, to use proper punctuations, and to master various correspondence styles. The course also discusses the main principles of Arabic grammar through selected texts, spelling rules, writing paragraphs about subjects related to the selected texts, summary techniques, punctuations, rules of number spelling, common linguistic errors, titles, Curriculum Vitae editing techniq
LIT 120 - English Language I / French Language I (3 Credits)
This is a study skills course that aims at developing potential teacher’s proficiency in the skills of test taking, studying, word attacking, paraphrasing, restating and handwriting.
LIT 125 - English Language II / French Language II (3 Credits)
This course aims at helping potential teachers extend their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, as well as develop their oral/aural language proficiency through watching videos, conducting role-plays, simulations, and interviews, as well as presenting reading materials (of various sources: the internet, newspapers, magazines, and so on).
LIT 105 - Arabic Civilization (3 Credits)
This course introduces the overall concepts of civilization and the most important factors that contributed to the emergence of Islamic civilization. It also encompasses the main characteristics of the Islamic civilization with particular focus on the human dimension. Manifestations of Islamic civilization in policy, management, economy, society, and sciences are emphasized.
LIT 113 - Research Methodology I (1 Credits)
This course aims at the development of a scientific orientation in the solution of educational problems. This course develops students' skills in identifying and developing research problems dealing with a variety of research designs. Basic statistical concepts are included.
LIT 114 - Research Methodology II (2 Credits)
This course aims to cover what the activity of research is, how to proceed, how to measure progress, and what constitutes success. Students must understand the research process and the rules that guide it. It provides students an overview of qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection, recording and analysis and final output of a research proposal. It also provides students with tools to look at things objectively, develop critical and scientific attitude, as well as disciplined thinking to observe objectively and finally, skills of research particularly in the age of information. By the end of this module students should be in a position to prepare and carry out a small research proposal within a three month project.

Remedial Courses

BIO100 - Introduction to Biology ( Credits)
This course is designed to introduce freshman students to key biological concepts that is fundamental to animal biology. The topics include: biological history; structure and function of cells; cell division; reproduction; respiration; nervous system; immune system; genetics and heredity of population; protein synthesis and evolution.
CHE100 - Introduction to Chemistry ( Credits)
This introductory course is designed to assist the students in developing the fundamental concepts for the most elementary ideas of chemistry.

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