General Education Electives
MAT 100 - Introduction to Math (3 Credits)
STAT 100 - Introduction to Stat (3 Credits)
LIT 100 - Introduction to Arabic (3 Credits)
Major Requirements
ACF 305 - Financial Analysis (3 Credits)
Foundations of, Capitalization, Working capital, Flow, Treasury, short-term Financing.
ACF 310 - Intermediate Accounting (3 Credits)
Revision on the costs and return price. - Study of the pre-established or standard costs. - Analysis of the variations - Establishment of the budgets - Establishment of the assessments and estimated exploitation accounts.
ACF 325 - Auditing (3 Credits)
General principles of the audit - the internal audit programs - Drafting of the report/ratio of revision and presentation of the financial statements.
ACF 320 - Tax Accounting (3 Credits)
محاسبة ضريبة الدخل الباب الأول: لبيان كيفية احتساب ضريبة الدخل، لا بد لنا من معرفة أوقات استحقاقها، وتحديد الأرباح الخاضعة للضريبة (وعاء الضريبة) والأساس الذي نعتمده بهذا الخصوص: هل هو الربح الحقيقي، الربح المقطوع، الربح المقدر أو التقدير المباشر.
ACT 305 - Public Finance II (3 Credits)
ضريبة الدخل الباب الأول: الضريبة على أرباح المهن الصناعية والتجارية وغير التجارية. سنبين هنا: الأعمال والمهن الخاضعة للضريبة، والتكاليف الواجبة الخصم منها لتحديد الإيرادات الخاضعة للضريبة، وطرق تقديرها وكيفية التكاليف بها وتحصيلها وحسابها. بالإضافة إلى حالات الإعفاء من هذه الضريبة. الضريبة على القيمة المضافة (T.V.A): تحديد نطاق تطبيق الضريبة: الأشخاص والعمليات الخاضعة للضريبة أو الخارجة عن نطاقها. وحالات الإعفاء منها، وأساس فرضها، ومعدلها وكيفية تحصيلها، والاعتراض عليها.
ACT 310 - Tax Accounting II (3 Credits)
محاسبة الضريبة على القيمة المضافة: لبيان كيفية احتساب ضريبة الإنفاق (T.V.A) وقت استحقاقها، تحديد رقم الأعمال الخاضعة للضريبة، والمبالغ الواجبة تنزيلها من هذا الرقم. الإعفاءات من الضريبة، الحسومات، الاستردادات.
Core Requirements
ADM 120 - Microeconomics (3 Credits)
An overview of the modern market economy as a system for dealing with the problem of scarcity. Operation and decision-making of economic units; supply, demand and resource allocation; analysis of various market and industry structures; shortages, controls, social costs and benefits; international trade; comparative systems.
ADM 155 - Accounting I (3 Credits)
Accounting policies, operations of the enterprise, inventory works, company accounting
ADM 145 - Math For Business (3 Credits)
Recall of the set theory, numerical functions of one variable, logarithms function, exponential and powers, local studies of the functions, integral calculus, functions of several variables. II: Functions of several variables, differential equations of the first and second order, linear algebra: vector spaces, linear applications, matrices, determinants, and multi-linear algebra: linear equations, polynomials, and reductions of the square matrices.
ADM 150 - Statistics for Business (3 Credits)
Time series, spaces of probabilities, combinatorial analyses: arrangement, permutation, And combination, laws of probabilities: binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential, sampling, regression, estimate, correlation, introduction to the chi-square theory and tested hypotheses.
ADM 160 - Principles of Marketing (3 Credits)
A survey of marketing planning and implementation, with special emphasis on products/service development and management as well as distribution, pricing and promotion practices.
ADM 180 - Principles of Management (3 Credits)
This Principles of Management course presents general introductory management learning experience. It covers the management theories and analysis of basic management functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling for establishing and accomplishing business objectives. The course is a foundation course for all business students. It provides a basis for understanding the management role in all business operations and thus relates to all business emphasis;
ADM 205 - Accounting II (3 Credits)
Analytical accounting: General principles, matters, the labor, industrial expenses, purchase cost, production cost and real cost prices, charge of the fixed charges, standard cost price, analyze in costs proportional, integrated accounts department. Associations accounting: Inventory and assessment, constitution of the commercial companies, distribution of the benefit, dissolution of the company.
ADM 195 - Business Law (3 Credits)
The course presents an integrated approach to the legal environment of business with an introduction to our legal system. The course covers the following areas: principles of the law of contracts, rights and responsibilities, commercial paper and sales, utilization of financial transactions, employment and agency relationships, and the understanding of the regulations governing different types of business organizations.
ADM 186 - Cost Accounting (3 Credits)
Describes the nature and purpose of cost accounting in relation to industrial situations; highlights common practices of job order cost accounting, processes, standard and direct costing, preparation of cost statements, analysis of cost information, and project planning and control.
ADM 191 - Business Policies & Strategy (3 Credits)
Strategic management of the enterprise: The enterprise, the environment, what does the enterprise want, the objectives system, strategic models, case study, state intervention, multinational enterprises.
ADM 170 - Macroeconomics (3 Credits)
An overview of the modern market economy as a system for dealing with the problem of scarcity. The analysis of relationships among such variables as national income, employment, inflation and the quantity of money. The roles of government expenditure, taxation and monetary policy; international finance; economic development.
ADM 185 - Financial Management (3 Credits)
Introduction. Plan of financing, external financing in the long run. Ordinary actions and preference share. Bond, leasing. Capitalization of the enterprise. Evaluation and yield. Cost of the capital. Policy of dividends.
ADM 221 - Total Quality Management (3 Credits)
This course will focus on the theories, systems and practices of total quality management (TQM). Great focus on “ISO” applications and standards.
ADM 246 - Project Management I (3 Credits)
This course prepares students to manage information systems development projects during their career. Students will learn the concepts and techniques of identification, formulation, and planning of projects; project cycle; project appraisal and evaluation; project design, PERT and CPM; project analysis methods, including, fund-flow analysis, ratio analysis, break-even analysis, profitability analysis, cost-benefit analysis, etc...
ADM 243 - Business Computing Applications (3 Credits)
ADM 270 - Operations Research (3 Credits)
Operations Research (OR) refers to the science of decision making. This course provides a survey of fundamental methods of Operations Research and their applications at an introductory level. The emphasis is on applications rather than the details of methodology. By the end of the course, students will be exposed to a wide variety of applications and problems that can be addressed using Operations Research techniques.
ADM 233 - Internship (3 Credits)
General Education Requirements
ADM 105 - Introduction to Information Technology (3 Credits)
Topics include the Internet; computer hardware; operating systems and application software; multimedia; network communication; personal, social, and ethical issues. Systems and application software; multimedia; network communication; personal, social, and ethical issues.
LIT 110 - Arabic Language I (3 Credits)
The primary aim of this course is to familiarize the students with correct writing styles, to avoid linguistic and spelling errors, to use proper punctuations, and to master various correspondence styles. The course also discusses the main principles of Arabic grammar through selected texts, spelling rules, writing paragraphs about subjects related to the selected texts, summary techniques, punctuations, rules of number spelling, common linguistic errors, titles, Curriculum Vitae editing techniq
LIT 120 - English Language I / French Language I (3 Credits)
This is a study skills course that aims at developing potential teacher’s proficiency in the skills of test taking, studying, word attacking, paraphrasing, restating and handwriting.
ADM 113 - مناهج البحث (1 Credits)
A course that aims at the development of a scientific orientation in the solution of educational problems. This course develops students' skills in identifying and developing research problems dealing with a variety of research designs. Basic statistical concepts are included.
ADM 114 - Research Methodology II (2 Credits)
The study of the planning, design, and execution of research: problem formulation, data acquisition and processing, statistical analysis, interpretation, and report writing.
LIT 125 - English Language II / French Language II (3 Credits)
This course aims at helping potential teachers extend their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, as well as develop their oral/aural language proficiency through watching videos, conducting role-plays, simulations, and interviews, as well as presenting reading materials (of various sources: the internet, newspapers, magazines, and so on).
LIT 105 - Islamic Civilization (3 Credits)
يدرس الطالب مواضيع إنسانية وحضارية: مثل: خصائص الحضارة الإسلامية، فضل العرب على أوروبا، نشأة المدينة الإسلامية، الحسبة في الإسلام، الرق في الإسلام، الزكاة وعلاج الفقر في الإسلام، نظم الإسلام في الحرب والدفاع، تاريخ النقود العربية - الإسلامية، الاقتصاد في الإسلام، تاريخ الدبلوماسية في الإسلام، المستشفيات الإسلامية، نشأة المكتبات بشكل عام وتطور المكتبات الإسلامية بشكل خاص.
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